星期日, 6月 14, 2009

Thanks, kimbrgsm1

(kimbrgsm1 , 翻拍自 Youtube)

Thanks! kimbrgsm1, my oriental dance teacher on the internet.


翻開我買的書,要不寥寥數語,要不說的不明不白。或許是自己的領悟力有限,很多時後根本沒法體驗書中的要訣。而我買的教學 DVD 更糟,只看到影中人的曼妙舞姿,自己的身體卻根本不聽使喚。

終於古狗大神再度發揮威力,在網路上高聲一呼,找到不少教學 video。其中我最喜歡的就是 kimbrgsm1。不只因為她仔細的說明舞步的每個細節,還有她帶點幽默的說明。例如:在 『back eight』中,她就示範可以在看電視或講電話時,練習這個舞步。嘻嘻!

當然她是以英文發音,縱使淺顯,以我的英文能力當然不可能全部聽懂。幸好肢體語言通行全世界,藉由她的教學 video ,我更接近東方舞一點了。

下面是幾個我最常參考的幾個教學 video:
14. Belly Dance Basic - Warm up part 1 (2:55)
15. Belly Dance Basic - Warm up part 2 (3:49)

腹部畫 8:
1. Belly dance basic - back eights (4:48)

11. Belly Dance Basic - Ultimate shimmies (3:23)

3. Belly dance basic - snake arms (2:35)

我還下載了所有 (all I can find)共計 22 個 video,甚至轉成 3gp 檔案,放到手機上,希望好好利用搭車時間來觀賞。只是近來太累,往往是看沒一會兒就昏睡去也。


Lazycat: 我...我...我...)

(對啦!不管 Liya 是否需要,我都會拷貝給你唷,呵呵!

下面就是我在 Youtube 找到 kimbrgsm1 的 22 個教學 Video,歡迎愛用。

1. Belly dance basic - back eights (4:48)
start with knees bent, can use either hip to start but for instruction: right hip moves diagonally(斜地) forward towards tip of right toes, circles around the right foot to heel. then move hips diagonally left, so left hip is towards left toes. circle left hip around left foot to heel. repeat.

2. Belly dance basic - forward eights (1:53)
right hip press forward toward your right heel(腳後跟), makes it way around your right foot, toward right toes. diagonally slide you left hip towards left heel, makes it way around the left foot toward left toes. slide hip diagonally so that right hip is back over right heel.... repeat.

3. Belly dance basic - snake arms (2:35)
basic snake arms ... so much to do with snake arms
the energy starts in a shoulder lifting, energy ripples(呈波狀) down to elbow lifting, then flows to wrist, finally releasing out the finger.
both arms move at the same time

4. Belly dance basic – shimmies (3:37)
basic shimmy.. oh there is so much to learn about shimmies. this lesson touches only on the basic shimmy. bend knees, abs(腹部肌肉) pulled to spine(脊椎) for support. Alternate(交替的) straightening knees (don’t lock knees). start slow, the faster you go the less your knees bend.

5. Belly dance basic - down eights "mayas" (3:33)
These eights are "drawn on the wall" (在牆上畫8) hips don’t move forward or backwards. only side to side. start knees bent: right hip comes up slightly as it slides out, R abs(腹部肌肉) contract(收縮). Stay out slide down.
Now repeat on left. keep it smooth, chest lifted and still, shoulders rolled back to comfortable position

6. Belly dance basic - up eights (2:51)
again figure eights drawn on the wall (在牆上畫8) as opposed to around your feet. hips only move side to side. no forward/back movement. Can start any hip, knees bent, right hip slide diagonally out and up, as the right hip follow the curve of the eight up, R abdominals(腹肌) contract(收縮). slide hips diagonally left so left hip is down/out follow the curve of the eight up, as L abdominals contract. slide right hip down/out ... repeat.

7. belly dance basic - hip lift/drop (3:22)
You probably hear me call the hip drop, back, they are both the same thing.
the major difference between the two is where you are hitting the drum beats. Hip lifts - one leg slightly in front of the other that knee is very bent, weight on the back leg which is slightly bent. straighten the front leg, tighten(使繃緊) that glut. lift, lift lift hip to beat of music.
back or down hips. same pose, but this time, you drop that hip to back, like there is a drum behind your butt(屁股) and you are going to smack(砰然作聲地) it. drop drop drop to the beat.

8. belly dance basic - break down of back eights/shimmy (5:59)
back eights and shimmy. broke down count by count
I believe this song is Turbo Tabla 4.

9. Belly Dance Basic - Arm position and hands (6:36)
Six different positions to mix and match, pluse hand movements

10. Belly Dance Basic - Choo Choos (3:28)
Choo-choos, When you step on R foot, R hip goes down. When you step on L foot, L hip goes down. This is performed up on the toes, Heels stay up the whole time.

11. Belly Dance Basic - Ultimate shimmies (3:23)
more variation of shimmies, including "earthquake shimmy"
the song is: "Night at the Casbah" by DJ Zen on Sensual belly dance

12. Belly Dance Basic - Hip Bumps (3:49)
hip bumps with shimmies

13. Belly Dance Basic – Undulations (5:24)
lower undulations - mixed with full body wave (camel)The song is: The Seventh Veil by Aradia & DJ Zen fromt eh sensual Belly dance

14. Belly Dance Basic - Warm up part 1 (2:55)
upper body warm... don’t forget to follow up with part 2.
Name of Song: Seventh Veil by Aradia & DJ Zen from Sensual Belly Dance

15. Belly Dance Basic - Warm up part 2 (3:49)
Warm up part 2 is lower body, don’t forget to do part 1.
Name of Song: The Seventh Veil by Aradia & DJ Zen from Sensual Belly dance

16. Belly dance Basic - chest circle lift, drop (5:35)
Learn where the moves originate(發源) from and how to isolate them.
Name of Song: Night At the Casbah by DJ Zen from Sensual Belly Dance

17. Belly Dance Basic - Umi Umi (3:36)
internal circle with the hips, involves gluts and abdominal(腹肌) muscles. there is no side - side movement of the hips. Advance dancers can move with umi umi's
Name of the Song: The Seventh Veil by Aradia & DJ Zen from Sensual Belly dance

18. Belly Dance Basic - Hip Circles (5:01)
External hip circles, travel with hip circles, large hip circles with bumps
Name of Song: The Light of Sheherazade by Aradia & DJ Zen from Sensual Belly Dance

19. Belly Dance Basic - Traveling Moves (5:39)
3-count turn, pivot(中樞), grapevine(葡萄藤), chassay. While I don’t believe chassay is the correct term, I’m sure there will be many names for this move. I call it chassay so that when it is time to do choreography(編舞). you will know what move I am referring to.
Song is Desert Dreams by Jehan on the 21st Century Priestess

20. Hip Drops with Kicks (6:17)
Basic hip drops with alternating kicks. This move is Egyptian, I have seen it in Caberet and folkloric. But remember I'm an American Bellydancer, we tend to Fuse(熔合) everything

21. Learning Choreography (3:04)
I found when I was first learning choreography, I found it difficult to execute some moves. Then it dawned on me that I had my weight on the wrong foot! That one small mistake would ruin the whole move. So I sat down and thought about how I learn choreography and came up with this video.

22. Creating Choreography (6:19)
This is a 2-part (wouldn’t fit on one)
Creating choreography, then Learning choreography.
Create your own choreography using the basic moves you have learned here.


2 則留言:

  1. 呵呵,我還以為你只就老師在課堂上所教的基本動作做練習,沒想到你還這麼用心在youtube裡挖出這麼多的舞功秘笈呀!



  2. 那郭...說到練習,當然是練習老師教過的基本動作呀!

    希望暑假時,Liya 也能像平日上課時帶給我激勵,讓我不會偷懶,會認真的練舞唷!奇怪,我對妳很有信心溜!呵呵!


2017 黃山秋日行 Day 4 - 1宏村 (1019)

↑ 宏村,月沼,最最美風景! 黃山秋日行的第四天,我們來到期待已久的「 宏村 」。 電影「 臥虎藏龍 」曾在此地取景,因而揚名國際。 而「宏村」最吸引人們的,卻是它的 美麗 。 美 在湖光倒影 。 輕輕搖曳的水面,收納水色天光,無語卻勝似私語。 水光映照黑瓦白牆,蕩蕩悠悠,憑添幾...
