此外,老師還教了一個比較難的舞步 -- Walking Shimmy, 亦稱為 3/4 Shimmy (四拍中三個動作)。
0. (B老師--將重心移到左邊)
1. 踮起右腳,同時提高右臀 (第一拍)
2. 放下右臀使腰部變成水平 (第二拍) (B老師--垂下右腰)
3. 踩下右腳,同時將右臀向外推出 (第三拍 & 第四拍) (第四拍為停頓)
4. 換左邊
==> 看來老師教的是:Up 3/4 Shimmy
==> 而 B 老師教的是:Side 3/4 Shimmy
漸漸的加快速度,就可以一面 Shimmy,一面輕搖臀部的移動。
老師將同學們分成兩列隊伍,各自帶隊在教室中不斷的練習 Walking Shimmy & 隊伍前進。練得天長地久,大家都累壞了。
沒有例外的,我又上網查了資料。這才發現 3/4 Shimmy 有多種變化。
- Movement - Hip -- http://middleeasterndance.homestead.com/shimmies.html
- 臀部西迷 Hip Shimmies (相當於上文的中譯) http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/bellydance-2002/article?mid=602&prev=660&next=601&l=f&fid=36
眾多 3/4 Shimmy 影音教學中,我挑選了一些做為參考:
2:09 ~ 4:05 之間為 walking shimmy
重心移右腳, 左臀up(on hill)-down-shift (反之亦然) + walking
- ExpertVillage.com:
Rasha’s 3/4 Shimmy Breakdown
The 3/4 shimmy is one of the most difficult movements to master in bellydance. This is partly because there are so many different ways to break them down, and each 3/4 shimmy has its own rhythm that sometimes is difficult to hear in the music. It’s very easy to over-think the movement and get frustrated. Below I’ve described my interpretation of how 3/4 hip shimmies are broken down. I hope this will help you better understand this complicated bellydance movement that also happens to be one of my favorites.
• 3/4 shimmies are so named because there is three movements for every four beats of music. That means if there are four beats, you move for three of those and hold the fourth beat.
• Remember that you will take only one step for the three movements. On the fourth beat, you will hold or prepare the opposite hip for the next three movements.
• For the musically inclined person, this means that you’re moving in 16ths. So the music would be counted 1e&a2e&a3e&a4e&a, etc. The hips are moving on “1e&” and holding on “a.”
• There are three basic 3/4 hip shimmies – side, down, and up. This describes the first movement that your hip will make. All other 3/4 shimmies are variations of these three.
• The first movement is always the biggest and determines what kind of 3/4 shimmy you will be doing. The next two movements will be VERY small, like a reverberation(回響;餘韻;反射) of the first movement.
• 3/4 shimmies are all about the hips, not the knees. If you haven’t mastered basic hip articulations (lift, drop, thrust), these shimmies can be very difficult. This is also why 3/4 shimmies are more difficult for beginners, because you’re still trying to get those basic movements into your muscle memory.
• The movement comes from the hips but you must always keep the knees soft so the hips have maximum range of motion.
• The movement will always be the same. Right (Big), Left (Little), Right (Little), Left (Big), Right (Little), Left (Little). This is assuming you’re starting on the right foot. The difference comes in whether your hip goes to the side, down, or up on your first “Big” movement.
• On the first “Big” movement, you will step pushing your hip to the side (like a hip thrust). For the “Little” movements, you will keep your weight on that same side and the hip movements will be small side hip movements, almost like you’re wagging your tail. Your weight won’t switch to the other side until you’ve done one big movement and the two little ones. Then you’ll switch to the other side to do the three movements (Big-Little-Little) on that side.
• Think: Right-Swing-Swing/Left-Swing-Swing (Bold means bigger)
• Variation – The Reverse 3/4 is the same as the Side 3/4 except that instead of taking the hip directly to the side on the “Big” movement, the hip pushes out at a forward angle. The “Little” side movements pull the hips back into their natural position making a reverse figure 8 motion.
• On the first “Big” movement, you will step pushing your hip down. For the “Little” movements, that same hip will come up and then back down.
• Your weight doesn’t come completely into that stepping foot until the last of the three movements. On the hold beat, you will be lifting the opposite foot so it is ready to step down as the hip goes down.
• Keeping your knees very soft is especially important on the down. If you have your knees too straight, the movement begins to look like a penguin walking.
• Think: Down-Up-Down/Down-Up-Down
• Variation – The Hagalla 3/4 (also known as the Pigeon Toe) is the same as the Down 3/4 except that instead of taking the hip straight down on the “Big” movement, the hip arches forward and down. The “Little” up-down movements pull the hips back into their natural position. The easiest way to access this movement is to step down with the foot and knee turned in. This, however, limits your movement. For example, there’s no way for you to move backward with the feet turned in so it’s best to try to keep the foot facing forward and just arch the hip forward and down.
• On the first “Big” movement, you WILL NOT step. You will lift your hip up and lift your foot (preparing to step down). For the “Little” movements, that same hip will go down and then back up.
• Your weight doesn’t come completely into that stepping foot until you lift the opposite hip and foot.
• Think: Up-Down-Up/Up-Down-Up
最後,來分享幾段鼓舞的 Video。
From: JalaDanse | 西元2009年09月26日
由於對單純鼓聲的變化較無感應,適任向來極少使用亦較不擅長Solo Tabla跳舞,這回為了能讓自己的學員對東方舞多元展現多些概念,故將Solo Tabla放入節目單裡。
AishafromGreece — 西元2006年11月06日 — Aisha live at CID 20th World Congress, Athens www.aisha.gr www.orientaldancegreece.com
sarahshahine — 西元2008年03月03日
話說,第一次上課練習 walking shimmy 時,慢版做不到的我,快版卻意外的還算OK。等回家練習慢板動作時,才發現我的快版裡其實少掉了一些動作,所以快版動作的質地不佳,需要加強練習。又,上身必須減少晃動唷!