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反覆聽著老師所給的音樂(Fadel Shaker - Ya ghayeb),非常喜歡。深情款款的訴說,帶著旋轉的線條的音樂。電子樂音增添現代感,而很美的弦樂音符恰如其分的譜出古老的不移深情。而老師果然編了很多旋轉的舞步以展現長裙的美麗。
忍不住,我又請出了古狗大神。很幸運的找到這篇文章,文中列出很多相關的 Video,還有歌詞唷!
喜歡很久的 一首歌 Ya Ghayeb by Fadel Shaker (謝謝 Claire)
- 茲分享歌詞如下(我只修改了一點點錯字):
ya ghayeb leih ma tis2al / You who is far, why don’t you ask
a7babak elly 7abounak / About the ones who love you
bi namou leyl 3aiounak/ And can’t sleep at night because of your eyes
ana bafakkar feek/ I think of you
tib3ad 3anny wi tansany/ You go far away and forget me
mahtajak jambe ter3any/ I need you here to care of me
naseeny jrou7y wi ahzany/ Make me forget my sadness
ana moushtag li 3aineek/ I miss your eyes (A 段)
ya 7abibi / Oh my darling
laaaaa, trou7 ba3eed/ No, don’t go far
enta nasseeby/ You are my destiny
wa fi alby el wa7eed / The only one in my heart
enta elly fi alby wallah/ You are the only one in my heart
tefdal el dinya killa/ I swear
yaaaa, yey yey yey yey/ I’d sacrifice the world for you (B 段)
(重複 A 段 + B 段)
7obbak ghayar 7ayaty / Your love changed my life
naseeny jrou7y wi ahaty / Make me forget my sadness
fakkarny bkilla a7kayaty/ Reminded me of all my stories
khalany doub/ Made me melt for you
enta gharamy killu/ You are my love
wi shamsy 3omry wa delou/ And the sun of my life its shadow
yerkhaslek hal 3alam killu/ The world is nothing compared to you
7obbak matoub/ I will never give up loving (C 段)
(重複 B 段)
(重複 A 段 + B 段)
(重複 A 段 )
Note: 前面的阿拉伯文並非拼音,而是用來輸入的鍵盤對應。而阿拉伯文是由右自左顯示,很有趣唷。輸入時是自左往右鍵入字元,顯示則是自右往左,我的腦袋都快打結了。呵呵!
後面的英文歌詞應該是意譯,因為我試著在【Google 翻譯】鍵入阿拉伯文,顯示的英文不太一樣呢。
- 關於 Fedl Shaker (來源:Wiki)
Fadl Shaker (Ibn EL Genoob), was born on April 1, 1969 in Saida (Sidon), a city in Southern Lebanon(黎巴嫩). He is Palestinian(巴勒斯坦人), but born in Lebanon. He lives in Saida in Jadet Nabih Berri. He is married to his wife Nadia a fellow Palestinian, and has three children, Mohamed, Alhan & Eno.
1997 Early Commercial Success (......omitted......)
Fadl Shaker was always concerned about singing maqamat, the hardest of Arabic melodies, and he always tried to preserve the true Arabic musical style in all of his songs. His songs are known not to have any western melody influence. Fadl is known for his unique singing style, and as a result, has built a huge fan base throughout the Middle East.
Note: 我非常喜歡 Fedl Shaker 對音樂的態度,保留傳統並發展出動人的特質。有空要多聽聽他的音樂。